Climate Change Initiatives

Great Lakes Geoscience can define subsurface formations for the megaton scale storage of carbon dioxide and hydrogen (UHS)(green energy).  We have advanced understanding of complex geology, subsurface fluid dynamics and the management of seismic risk.  Great Lakes will also assist in optimizing opportunities for Provincial and Federal incentives and carbon credits. Ontario geology is a prime location for CO2 sequestriation as we have both existing oilfields that would benefit from enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and deep saline acquifers for the safe disposal of CO2.

Great Lakes Geoscience can develop prospects for compressed air energy storage (CAES).  CAES systems utilize the storage of energy by compressing air and storing it in underground caverns and porous subsurface formations. When there is a need for electricity, the compressed air is released, propelling turbines, and generating power. Ontario has a wide range of geological opportunites for CAES and the Province currently has a large CAES project in the development phase.